American Feeds Company

Prof. Dr. Truong Van Dung ; Central Veterinary Institute , said the family's chickens He / she Newcastle disease and infectious development plan . The fix is as follows :

+ Using antibodies Gumboro NEWCASTLE high doses intramuscularly 2 times / days / 3 days.

+ Taking FLUMEQUIN or kanamycin colistin or AMPIANTICOLI to drink 1 time / day / 3-5 days, dose according to the manufacturer's instructions .

+ Electrolytes for oral glucose - C , 3 days

+ Vitamin ADE and drug HIGHIMMUNE or POVIMIC into everyday foods .

+ Cleaning and disinfect with a solution of Virkon barn or BENKOCID to kill pathogens in the environment .

+ After 3 weeks of chickens from disease vaccines NEWCASTLE 1 subcutaneous injection system for chicken disease prevention sure .